Über mich

10 langjährige Erfahrungen

Pet sitter with a Heart for animals

My husband and I would love to have the opportunity to be your pet sitter and share our passion for animals.
I have a background in veterinary education and practical experience, I bring a wealth of knowledge and skills to provide exceptional care for your beloved pets.
My journey started with three years of veterinary school, although I didn't complete the program, I did a course in veterinary nursing. I've also gained valuable experience through internships at a domestic animal clinic, where I learned about animal health and well-being, assisted with medical care and medication administration.
Beyond my professional background, my love for animals runs deep. Growing up, I always had dogs at home, and I've even cared for a pet rabbit. Currently, I have a baby dog called Maria Alice, a cocker spaniel who brings immense joy and love to my life. My husband has three rescued dogs in Brazil, they live in a farm near to a beach, and from time to time he's a shelter home for more dogs, so he's also used to take care of animals. We understand the unique bond between pets and their owners, and we genuinely care for each animal as if they were our own.
As a pet sitter, we are dedicated to providing a safe, nurturing, and loving environment for your pets. Whether the service, we're here to ensure their happiness and well-being. Trust that your pets will be treated with the utmost love, affection, and care while under our watch.

Verfügbar Nicht verfügbar
Kalender aktualisiert: vor weniger als einer Woche

Fernanda kümmert sich um

  • Klein (0-10 kg)
  • Mittelgroß (11-25 kg)
  • Groß (26-45 kg)
  • Sehr groß (> 45 kg)
  • Katze
Weitere Präferenzen
Kümmert sich um Welpen (<12 Monate)
Kümmert sich um erwachsene Hunde (1-8 Jahre)
Kümmert sich um ältere Hunde (ab 8 Jahren)
Keine nicht kastrierten Rüden
Keine nicht sterilisierten Hündinnen
Keine läufigen Hündinnen
Rassen, mit denen Fernanda Erfahrung hat:
Englischer Cocker Spaniel

Fernanda Profil Information

Identität überprüft
Sitter-Training abgeschlossen
Kalender aktualisiert: vor weniger als einer Woche

Garten mit Zaun
Hat keine Kinder
Hat keine Katzen
Hat keine Tiere im Käfig
Hat 1 Hund(e)
Maria Alice
Englischer Cocker Spaniel, Weiblich
4 Jahre 5 Monate

Wenn dein Hund bei Fernanda Zuhause ist

Hunde sind auf der Couch erlaubt
Hunde dürfen aufs Bett
Gassi-Service alle 4-8 Stunden


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