
Matoto! Thank you for caring for Lalo. I’m jealous at you guys clicking so well. Kidding! Glad I can count on someone who can nurture and take care of him when we are away, just like we would do. <3

Über mich

Weniger als 1 Jahr Erfahrung

Lovely Stepdaddy :P

For the last 10 years my two dogs, Aya and Cano, were my family, my school, my life.
I adopted them from the streets and we travelled and lived by the beach, in the mountains and in the city. We loved the road as much as a cosy home.
Over the last 6 months, they past away. *Cries*. But don't be sad, they were super old and we made this past chapter of our lives, definitely and simply, the best. *Continues crying*. I'm super proud and honored.

I'm also done with my previous remote job. So a new chapter has begin; again with a lot of traveling. Now, in Berlin, wanting to get to know the city, its nature and many four pawed friends :')

Verfügbar Nicht verfügbar
Kalender aktualisiert: vor mehr als einer Woche

Matoto kümmert sich um

  • Klein (0-10 kg)
  • Mittelgroß (11-25 kg)
  • Groß (26-45 kg)
  • Sehr groß (> 45 kg)
  • Katze
Weitere Präferenzen
Kümmert sich um Welpen (<12 Monate)
Kümmert sich um erwachsene Hunde (1-8 Jahre)
Kümmert sich um ältere Hunde (ab 8 Jahren)

Matoto Profil Information

Identität überprüft
Sitter-Training abgeschlossen
Kalender aktualisiert: vor mehr als einer Woche


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