Über mich

Weniger als 1 Jahr Erfahrung

Love spending my time with animals! :)

I have had pets my entire life, love spending my time with cats, dogs and I have actually had taken care of bird pets also.
I am a very calm and loving person when it comes to animals, I would take care of your pets as if they are my own.
I know the city life can be really stressful for doggies, so if you have a park near your home, I would make sure to include it in our walks, so your dog can release tension and spend all the accumulated energie in a fun way! :)
If you are looking for someone to take care of your dog while on holiday or travelling for work I will be happy to be with them in your place, sadly I can't offer dog day care because I live with roommates, but I can assure you both your dog and your home would be well cared.

Verfügbar Nicht verfügbar
Kalender aktualisiert: vor mehr als einer Woche

Lucia kümmert sich um

  • Klein (0-10 kg)
  • Mittelgroß (11-25 kg)
  • Groß (26-45 kg)
  • Sehr groß (> 45 kg)
  • Katze
Weitere Präferenzen
Kümmert sich um Welpen (<12 Monate)
Kümmert sich um erwachsene Hunde (1-8 Jahre)
Kümmert sich um ältere Hunde (ab 8 Jahren)

Lucia Profil Information

Identität überprüft
Sitter-Training abgeschlossen
Kalender aktualisiert: vor mehr als einer Woche


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