
5,0 • 3 avis
Hébergement chiens | 29-10-24

Séjour vérifié
Baran was a great sitter for Wolfi and I would recommend to anyone. He clearly loves dogs and my dog had a great time with him. Baran was very communicative, flexible, and went out of his way to make the experience really great. I felt very secure leaving my dog with him and would do so again. Thank you, Baran!
Wolfi, Fox Terrier
Mâle, 6 ans et 3 mois

Réponse du gardien Baran

Wolfi is such a sweetheart and a cool boy, it was a pleasure to host him. He communicates with you through eye contact if he wants to play or to be pet. Felt like he listens and understands everything I said to him :) Walks outside with him are also very easy. Cristian, his human friend, is also a very nice person and felt like a friend already on our first meet.

Hébergement chiens | 11-08-24

Séjour vérifié
Baran took great care of Bella. He is very patient and kind to her. Thank you 😊
Bella, Berger de Bergame
Femelle, 2 ans et 5 mois
Hébergement chiens | 09-04-24

Séjour vérifié
We had a wonderful experience with Baran. We left our dog for two weeks with him and he took very good care of her. He was extremely kind and loving to her. Thanks Baran for being so understanding and patient.
Bella, Berger de Bergame
Femelle, 2 ans et 5 mois

Réponse du gardien Baran

It was my pleasure to have Bella as a guest and spend time with her, she is such a sweetheart. Thank you for your trust, I would be very happy to see Bella again soon 🤗🐶

À propos de moi

20 ans d'expérience

dog-sitting to end up as her/his best human friend

…2nd best human friend after you of course :)
It will be my pleasure to host your four-legged best friend during the day or while you are traveling.

After growing up with a golden retriever as my childhood friend, work life led me to relocate several times between different countries, preventing me to commit to another dog friend full-time. But I always looked for opportunities to interact / spend time with them — taking care of friends’ dogs, somehow always having partners who has a dog, dog walking at tierheims, or simply going and chatting with a street dogs that I come across to while travelling abroad. (might end up hugging them as well)

I’m kind of a person that starts smiling when I see a dog across the street. Somehow even timit dogs open up and get friendly relatively quickly. Quite often my close friends question “if I was a dog in my previous life” :)
But I just still cannot commit to another 10+ years of a new dog life full-time. Therefore I’ll be very happy to receive your message and help you out when you need.


Autres compétences
Peut administrer des médicaments oraux
Expérience avec des chiens difficiles

Disponible Indisponible
Calendrier mis à jour: il y a plus d'une semaine
Politique d'annulation:

Baran s'occupe de

  • Petit (0-10 kg)
  • Moyen (11-25 kg)
  • Grand (26-45 kg)
  • Géant (> 45 kg)
  • Chats
Autres préférences
Pas de chiots (moins de 12 mois)
Garde les chiens adultes (1-8 ans)
Garde les chiens seniors (8+ ans)
Accepte les mâles non castrés
Accepte les femelles non stérilisées
Accepte les femelles en chaleur
Races avec lesquelles le gardien Baran a de l'expérience:
Berger de Bergame · Fox Terrier

Baran Identifiants

Identité vérifiée
Évaluation réussie
Calendrier mis à jour: il y a plus d'une semaine

Pas d'espace extérieur
Maison non-fumeur
Pas d'enfants
Pas de chats
Pas d'animaux en cage
Pas de chiens

Quand votre chien séjourne chez le gardien Baran

Animaux autorisés sur les meubles
Animaux autorisés sur le lit
N'accepte qu'un seul client à la fois
Pauses pipi toutes les 4-8 heures


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