
I highly recommend Camila as a pet sitter and dog walker on PetBnB. Camila is not only a pet lover but also incredibly responsible and attentive when it comes to caring for animals. your pets will be in safe and loving hands. Whether it's walking dogs or cuddling cats, Camila goes above and beyond to ensure the happiness and well-being of every furry friend she encounters. You can trust her to provide the best care for your beloved pets

Über mich

1 langjährige Erfahrung

arnhems best dog/cat walker

i have 6 cats and 3 dogs at home, unfortunately i had to leave them behind to come study. i love animals i always have and i still do. living in a rented space where pets are not allowed was really unfortunate so this is why i would love to walk or take care of your pets. all of my cats were stray cats when i found them but i could never just leave them in the streets, i always brought them home and took care of them, and begged my parents to keep them. i have 3 dogs one mastif a pug and a chitzu. one of my favorite tasks at home was to walk them everyday so i had another excuse to procrastinate with my studying hihiih.

Weitere Fähigkeiten
Kann Medikamente oral verabreichen

Verfügbar Nicht verfügbar
Kalender aktualisiert: vor mehr als einer Woche

Camila kümmert sich um

  • Klein (0-10 kg)
  • Mittelgroß (11-25 kg)
  • Groß (26-45 kg)
  • Sehr groß (> 45 kg)
  • Katze
Weitere Präferenzen
Kümmert sich um Welpen (<12 Monate)
Kümmert sich um erwachsene Hunde (1-8 Jahre)
Kümmert sich um ältere Hunde (ab 8 Jahren)
Rassen, mit denen Camila Erfahrung hat:
Mastiff · Mops · Shih Tzu

Camila Profil Information

Identität überprüft
Sitter-Training abgeschlossen
Kalender aktualisiert: vor mehr als einer Woche


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